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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Dark circles under eyes? Check your nose
Mayo Clinic staff
July 17, 2013

Extra zzzs may not cure those dark circles under your eyes. One common cause is nasal congestion. When your nose gets congested, veins that usually drain from your eyes into your nose become widened and darker. Rinsing your sinuses with a saltwater solution (mix 1/4 teaspoon sea salt with 2 cups warm water) or over-the-counter saline spray can help relieve nasal congestion, and your dark circles.


I have noticed when my asthma and allergies are acting up it looks like someone has painted black under my eyes.I use a saline spray daily,but still have problems.


MVP, Forum Supporter
One time on Oprah I saw a demonstration of something called a nose bidet. It is able to squirt the solution fully up into and through the whole larger sinus cavity, more like a full flush! Many people swear by doing this. That reminds me I should suggest it to a relative of mine....


I wonder if "asthma and allergies" inflames you soft nasal tissue to the point it blocks drainage that might otherwise occur with the saline solution or if you need to wash with warmer saline water for longer periods and more frequently than most. "Looks like someone has painted black under my eyes" (ouch) --seems to imply build-up or maybe a sort of chemical equivalent of bruising. Maybe you need to add other methods to handle the asthma and allergies (as I suppose you have tried in some ways).
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