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I was reading an article the other day on possible treatments for bipolar, which had the usual stuff about living a healthy lifestyle and taking Omega 3s and stuff.

It then went on to talk about "dark therapy"...apparently staying in total darkness from about 7pm onwards, til morning, helps with circadian rhythms and depression.

Is there any truth in this whatsoever? It sounds kind of hokey, but I suppose anything is possible.

Daniel E.
It then went on to talk about "dark therapy"...apparently staying in total darkness from about 7pm onwards, til morning, helps with circadian rhythms and depression.
The late-night darkness could help manage sleep and stress. Therefore, indirectly, it could help with depression.

Omega 3's are no doubt essential for the brain and are good for cardiovascular health, but they are overrated by the media. There was a recent study that showed that omega 3's did not help alleviate depression in heart attack patients.
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