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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Decoding Your Health
By Tara Parker-Pope, New York Times Blog
September 29, 2008

Tuesday?s Science Times devotes an entire issue to the challenges patients face researching their health information. Whether you?ve been diagnosed with a serious illness or are simply trying to make sense of the latest health headlines, you?ll find much of use in this special report called Decoding Your Health. Here?s a list of all the stories in the section.

Five rules for researching your health. How to navigate in a sea of health information.

How to make sense of medical studies. What does Frankie Avalon have to do with medical research? Gina Kolata explains.

The exploding online universe. John Schwartz tours health information on the Web.

What does ?FDA-approved? really mean? Gardiner Harris explains what ?F.D.A. approved? means.

How to find a doctor. Roni Caryn Rabin helps you find Dr. Right.

An alternate route. William J. Broad explores the science of alternative medicine.

Making sense of your blood test results. The test is routine, but what the heck is bilirubin anyway?

Self-diagnosis on the Internet. Follow Denise Grady as she searches for answers about toe pain.

Our favorite sources: The Times?s health writers share some of their favorite online and print health resources, and we review a few more.

And also read Jane E. Brody on the disappearing family doctor, Dr. Abigail Zuger on what it means to be healthy, and Dr. Pauline W. Chen on the resiliency of patients.
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