ABC's program "The Miracle Workers" presented a segment on a young girl with Tourette who received Deep Brain Stimulation.
DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) is a neurological procedure where electrodes deliver an electrical pulse to brain cells.
Read THIS OVERVIEW of DBS by Dr. B. Duncan McKinlay, Psychologist of London, Ontario.
The official position of the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada on DBS can be read HERE
In the U.S. the Tourette Syndrome Association publishes this statement on DBS.
DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) is a neurological procedure where electrodes deliver an electrical pulse to brain cells.
Read THIS OVERVIEW of DBS by Dr. B. Duncan McKinlay, Psychologist of London, Ontario.
The official position of the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada on DBS can be read HERE
In the U.S. the Tourette Syndrome Association publishes this statement on DBS.