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Defeat Depression Campaign
Mood Disorders Association Canada

The Defeat Depression Campaign provides hope and reduces stigma for people who are affected by depression and other mood disorders.

Across Canada, mental health organizations, community groups, caring companies and concerned volunteers are planning walks, runs, rides and other physical and social activities to raise awareness and funds for mental health initiatives.

Depression is a common illness affecting many individuals and families, and strikes all socioeconomic, educational, and cultural backgrounds. Physical activity such as walking and running, along with social interaction, can have a positive effect on mental well-being, and opening the dialogue on mental illness can help educate people and break down the barrier of stigma. Funds raised at these events help community organizations provide critical supports and services.

The objectives of the Defeat Depression national campaign are to:
  • Raise awareness, knowledge and acceptance of mental illness
  • Fundraise in support of mental health services
  • Reduce stigma and create an environment that encourages people to come forward for early intervention and treatment
  • Build a mental health network and increase collaboration across communities
  • Provide resources and supports for indivudals living with mental illness and their families
  • Grow the campaign to new communities across Canada

You Can Help!

This campaign is successful because of people just like you. It encompasses friends, families, co-workers, neighbours, and caring organizations just like yours who volunteer to organize events in their local communities
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