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Ok, I met with my therapist today, and I am feeling a little better. I said that I wouldn't make any decisions about anything until after I saw him and I'm going to give it another week. I usually see him about every three weeks but he suggested that I see him in a week, which I agreed to. I was able to be open with him about how I was feeling which was good.

I am going to try to spend extra time with friends this week to try and add some fun into my life and try not to isolate too much. So as for now I wouldn't say that I'm completely beyond my suicidal feelings but I'm willing to take it a day at a time.

Thank you all for your support. You all have really helped me get through these past few days.
:hug: hey thanks for the update kelseym, I am so glad you could say how you feel, good news about the weekly appointment. And it's great that you are making such positive effort to isolate less, I'm proud of you :)
Glad to hear the good news...thanks for the update too. Isn't it cool how you can feel hopeless then in a few days feel at least a little better. Keep us updated...if you have a bad to us if you need to.
Good for you Kelseym I am glad your therapist was there to help you. I think enjoying yourself a bit now is a great idea. Too much work is not good for anyone. Take care thanks for update


Thanks, kelseym. I was thinking of you all day today, wondering how you were making out.

I'm glad your therapist is seeing you again in a week. At times like this, it's nice to have that extra helping hand, knowing he's there for you.

Good job on getting that out. I'm sure it wasn't easy. :2thumbs:
I just wanted to give you all a quick update because I woke up this morning feeling so much better. I don't want to act like everything is ok but I was actually singing this morning and that is always my sign that things are turning around. Although some of it was because I saw my therapist yesterday, a big, big part of it was because of the support I received on this website.

I'm still going through some depression (because being bipolar still stinks) but I decided ending my life is not the way to deal/not deal with this. I am a strong person and I have gotten through worse things than this in my life and I will get through this as well.

Once again, thanks for your support/suggestions/ideas/opinions they have all been helpful. :hug:
:thankyou2: I know how very moved everyone who has supported you, will feel when they read that, remember we are here for you whenever you need us, there is always some one around 24/24 . :hug:


That's wonderful, kelseym. Being bipolar, you will have good days and bad days. It's important to remember during the bad days that good days WILL come, they are just around the corner. I'm so glad you're feeling better.
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