More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Disaboom Launches Disability Organizations Directory
July 10th, 2009

Disaboom has announced a new online Disability Organization Directory, which provides information on over 450 organizations that provide disability resources. The organizations are both for general disability issues and specific disabilities.

The direct URL for the directory is Disability Organizations. You can browse by specific disability, by general organizations, or by living strategies and needs (adaptive driving, caregiver resources, disability law, etc.)

The initial listing lets you see all the organizations at once but you can also look at the ones that are international, national, and state-based. The information for each resource is pretty scanty ? just a brief description ? but there is a link directly to each organization?s Web site.

Don?t forget to check out the disability scholarship resources and the disability law resources provided by Disaboom.
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