More threads by Cobra 6

Cobra 6

Hello. It's reall weird. When I walk my brains suddenly "say" to me weird things like: "If you don't crash that window with a stone, you will die tonight," or "if you don't punch that guy you will get rabies." Sometimes I don't know where i am or how did i get there. Also my school grades are going down.... So what is wrong with me?


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Hi Cobra,

It's not wise to make diagnoses over the internet, and it's forum policy not to do so. These symptoms could be due to a number of different conditions. You would be best to ask a doctor and/or psychologist to do a diagnostic assessment. They will ask you a series of questions to figure out what best accounts for the symptoms that you are experiencing and make a recommendation about possible treatment. A doctor might also do some blood tests to rule out physical causes. I imagine it would be quite stressful to be experiencing this and it sounds like it's having a detrimental effect on your studies. I suggest you go to your family doctor for an initial assessment and maybe a referral to a specialist. It's concerning to me that you get disoriented - sounds to me like it would be best to go ASAP and get this sorted out to make sure that you stay safe. I'm not sure what time it is where you are, but, if practical, why not give them a ring now?

Let us know how you get on?
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