More threads by David Baxter PhD


I almost feel pressured these days to multi-task in certain situations, which is frustrating to me because I am completely unable to do it at all. I constantly have to explain to people that I focus very well as long as I am only required to do one thing at a time, and that when asked to do two things simultaneously, it throws my focus, and something gets sacrificed. I have seen some people multi-task very successfully, but for the most part if I am having a discussion with someone who is doing something else at the same time, I feel that I don't have his full attention. So, in general, I don't think it's a good thing. I think it's just a sign of the times.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
A while back I commented to one of my female friends that I didn't think I was as good at multitasking as I used to be.

Her reply: "Pfffttt! Men can't multitask. They only think they can."


Seriously, I have heard it said that men are more myopic than women in general. My stepdaughter multi-tasks amazingly well. I could never hold a heated conversation while washing the dishes, and I don't know how she does it.
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