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If yes, then how come we are being forced to comform to anything that comes to everyone else's mind, instead of being fully accepted for who we are?
If yes, then how come we are being forced to comform to anything that comes to everyone else's mind, instead of being fully accepted for who we are?

It is on our own will if we will accept any opinions that were given to us, on a brighter part, we can think of them as basis of what could be our decisions.


MVP, Forum Supporter
I think in the western world we are far luckier than most that we can indulge stuff that other societies see as frivolous and unnecessary like art, music, secular ideology.

I moved from the city out 20 miles out to the country and the attitude even within my own country and such a relatively short distance is staggering, sexism, racism and sectarianism, making people who are different or strive to be different feel they are abnormal are all common place out here, and I can tell you having been brought up in the west-end of Glasgow it was (and still is) a culture shock.

I also have with studying come to understand these intolerance more, I now feel we are more hard wired by biology than we like to think.

By this I mean things like racism and cultural intolerance, I personally feel that we battle primordial biology, in that, as cavemen someone different to ourselves would have been perceived as a threat, agism it has been suggested is our own biological need for DNA preservation, old people = declining DNA.

What we do have which does make us more tolerant is education, an advance and free education to all through books, libraries, the internet yet so many of us never use it for these purposes and now with budget cuts and economic problems schools like the one my children attend are cutting classes and facilities.

Sadly what I am seeing is a backward step at the moment in both tolerance and understanding of others via the young in our society having a bleak outlook due to no jobs no meaningful interaction with society through clubs etc and parents who are struggling and everyone is out for themselves and materially obsessed, which personally I have no desire to be any of those things.

*ranting lone voice over*
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