More threads by Domo


I have noticed there are a fair few twins on the board here and was a bit curious about you all ;)

If you are open to it, I'd be interested to know a bit more about your experience and feelings towards being a twin.

  • Are you identical or fraternal?
  • Do you have any twin 'powers'?
  • Are you anything alike?
  • etc., etc.
I have a twin brother, not identical because the whole different sex thing gets in the way of that :teehee:

He is the opposite of me and i think the world of him.

Anyway i'll leave it at that for now and see if this gets any interest :)


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I have a twin brother too Domo. Hmm - three minutes apart at birth. Very much alike in many respects. Definitely not identical. Boy, I hope no one would ever confuse us (I'm a girl) :)

As for 'twin powers'...I don't know. As very young children, we were followed by a team of psychologists because we had our own language and, were, "apparently" telepathic. Even when he wasn't with me, according to what others have said, I always knew what he was up to...:)


Oh you had your own language! That's awesome.

What is your relationship like with him now?

I am close with my brother but his priority is his to be wife and their puppy :p

There is something about twins that i think is really amazing.
I have an identical twin noone could tell us apart They would always call both names when calling one of us because they never knew. I have a special connection with my twin both of us know when the other is in trouble suffering My twin was having my labour pains when i gave birth to my son. She was so mad because she was in army and out of no where she was on floor yelling with abdominal pain she called and found out it was same time i gave birth. Crazy but true. She is the oldest by a few minutes I was a breach baby came out feet first. We still have that connection that sense when something is wrong.


Wow Violet, that is amazing!

I was a breach baby too :)

You both sound like better twins then my brother and i am :p
Funny my sister just said i kicked her out and been kicking her around ever since. ah ah
We have our not so good moments but we know each other cares and that we would do anything to help each other in any way we could. It is hard sometimes because we are so intertwined but i am learning slowly that i need to look after me first so i am strong for her.


:lol: I like that.

We were seven weeks premature. My brother wouldn't wait any longer. me on the other hand, well they had to drag me out.

From the get go we were very different to eachother. My brother was outgoing, energetic etc and i was just always in my head. I suppose in that regard nothing has changed.

Hrm i kind of wish that my brother and i were more intertwined. I know he is there for me but i don't think he really understands me or knows me.

I am glad you are looking after yourself first though :2thumbs:
My twin is different too. she got better marks in all the sciences like chemistry math business well i obtained higher marks in the languages biology Never did well with numbers and she excelled We are different in that way she was always so strong protective of me but now it seems i am the one that has to be strong to protect her its my turn now.


My brother is really smart too. Me not so much :p

If you don't mind me asking, does your sister suffer from any mental health problems?
Yes she does it makes me so sad because she struggles so but she is near me now and she has gotten some help from a kind doctor. She suffers from schizophrenia, depression, PTSD,and others titles doctors have given her multiple personalities, borderline personalities etc etc etc. She is going to try new medication like my daughter is on so i hope she stays well with it. I feel so guilty sometimes that she is suffering so I have no mental illness really i just have to deal with sadness and some past issues but i am well.


Wow that's a lot to deal with. You do well considering.

Do you have a history of mental illness in your family?

I don't. I am the only one. Sometimes i wonder if something happened to make me this way or maybe i am the beginning of it all and if i ever had kids they would be like me or worse.

I am not sure how it works with genes and all that.
Yes a family history two brothers with schizophrenia my identical twin now my daughter and a brother who took his life just a year ago oh it is so hard but thats life. I am there for them as much as i can be because is see that maybe i was spared so i could be there for all of them. My mother got cancer and is now blind I got them all help as much as i could Im tired sorry take care okay.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
maybe i was spared so i could be there for all of them

Or maybe you were just lucky enough to be born with greater resilience and a different combination of genes, not just so that you could be there for all of them but also so that you could be there for yourself.

There is no blame assigned for developing mental illness but there should be no blame or guilt (cf. "survivor guilt") associated with not developing mental illness either.
I understand more me being there for myself because when im not i am too exhausted to help any of them thanks.

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 PM ----------

I don't know if the guilt comes from not having mental illness but from the fact i did nothing to help when i should have. I ran from a family i was ashamed of. i hid and told nothing i should have told and helped her but i chose to run and forget to become someone else. The guilt comes from abandoning her like everyone else did We were so dependant on each other until she left me she left and then i left and we needed each other but we abandoned each other. It doesn't make sense I didn't speak up i didn't tell i ran. that is why she is ill and i am not
I chose to forget the past she wouldn't let it go and i couldn't stay. i am not making sense im sorry but now i feel i need to undue the wrong done.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
But what could you realistically have done, Violet? How old were you? What resources did you have to do anything at all about what was happening? And how could you staying have prevented her subsequent mental health issues?


Just sounds like you did what you had to do to survive.

That's not the reason she is ill Voilet...

She is getting the help she needs now and that is all that matters.
oh i can't remember exactly the age but i remember not telling I told her to tell but she wouldn't um i should have told then maybe um she would of got help not kept it hidden. um i didn't help her why didn't i help her um I was old enough to tell She never told either it destroyed her i think. I chose to forget because i had too I had to leave and become somebody new where nobody know us I left such a coward but i forgot and went on i survived because i forgot why didn't she just chose to forget. um do you understand i need to somehow undue the fact i didn't help her i ran oh god why did i run. im sorry just remembering some things and its confusing somewhat

---------- Post added at 11:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 PM ----------

Im sorry i remember now she left me she didn't even say goodbye i was in school um she left me why. Oh we were to leave together that was the plan but she left and joined army she was to be a nurse like me. I remember her growing to hate me she wanted nothing to do with me I had no one then oh i hated me so much
i remember she was 14 maybe 15 i told her to tell i should have told She left at age 16 didn't even tell me i was no one without her iwas invisible i had to leave too. i was so confused in so much pain she never knew about me either she left me. At 17 i left and i forgot so much but it is coming back in pieces It started to come back in pieces when my daughter was abused just emotions at first now some memories now some past. Please just erase all this if inappropriate i am just remembering that all.:(
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l. i should have told someone anyone but was too afraid to. Maybe if i told she would have got some help she would not have run

-- She told me she couldn't see spending another 3 years with me she left just like everyone else did. She didn't want me either

--Go to the police no they tormented my family,harassed my brothers.
Go to my aunt, mother no they had already said from before keep our mouth shut about another incident.

I did nothing i let the abuse continue i did nothing oh god and i understand her hatred now i didn't help her when she needed it she always help me.

Still today i seem to coward into myself i can't make a stand somehow and if i do it takes everything all my strength is drained.

Just fighting for them it drains me I am still that scared stupid child that would do anything to have someone to protect me but that is not going to happen. I don't need protection anyways it is over

if i could have just had the strength to help her instead of hiding away maybe her hate for me would not have grown. There is still much anger in her when it comes to me so much anger Can you blame her.


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Violet, for now you need to reserve your strength for yourself. I know it's hard at times because boy, as abused children - are we EVER good at guilt trips (I'm a bad sister, I'm a bad *fill in the blank*). I know you love your twin, and she knows it too.

A few years ago, something happened in my family. I needed my twin, his support. At that time, he simply told me that he had to take care of himself first - didn't have any time for me, not even to talk about the whole thing. I was devastated. But, I get it now - I understand where he was coming from. And better yet, I reserve the right now to take care of my emotional needs first. Because I appreciate that I can't be any kind of sister/ daughter/friend if I don't.

You can still love her. But, love yourself first. And, remember that guilt trips are only self-imposed. They only affect you if you allow them to. You may initially wince a little, feel that little twinge of guilt - and then, remember that it is JUST a guilt trip. :hug:

As my psychologist would say "so what, s/he is can't control that". That helps me keep it into perspective somewhat...
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