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I leave for Winnipeg on Thursday to visit my sister and her family for the weekend. I have had two dreams (nightmares) in regards to the trip, specifically getting on the plane.

Last week I dreamt that I had lost my ticket and the person at check-in wouldn't even check the computer to see if I was on the flight. The nightmare got stranger as I was explaining to my nephew why I wasn't there.

Last night, I dreamt that I was visiting someone but then had to leave to see my sister but for the life of me couldn't remember when the plane left (day or time).

Now I have notes all over my place to remind me to get on that plane on thursday. Flight leaves at 12:45 so I need to leave my house by 10 am latest.

I hope your trip goes very well, LL, despite the anxiety/nightmares. For what it's worth, I usually get very anxious prior to trips whether it's planes or by car. Good for you with all the notes :dance: - sounds like something I would do, too.

Take care,

TG :hug:


Yes LL, I do hope that you enjoy your trip and I am sure that your level of anxiety will decrease once you reach your destination.

Have fun :D


Hi LL,

I can relate to what you're experiencing. I'm going to Ottawa on Thursday and I found myself making plans for the long weekend a couple of times now. Finally today it dawned on me that I won't be here on the long weekend. I told my mom to remind me to catch my flight!

I'm not looking forward to this trip at all, which is probably why I've erased it from my memory...I would love to cancel it, but it is one of those things that must be done. I intentionally kept it very, very short (only a few days).

So ya - hopefully your anxiety will decrease soon too. I'm thinking of you.


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Thanks - I hope so too. There is a possibility of all my sisters being there and that I am not looking forward too.

I booked the flight a month ago for some needed R&R. Then my eldest sister invites herself down with her son. She wants to visit my grandmother who lives 3 hours away, and she wants me to come. She also wants to go shopping in Winnipeg which is an hour and a half away from where we are going to be.

The my eldest sister invites my third sister to unbeknown to Tammy who I am visiting. 3 sisters in the same house for 4 days. Oy Vey!

No wonder I am having nightmares.


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:lol: I hope you'll have a good time LL. And I think that you're planning for just a few days may be a bit of a saving grace for you too...As you so eloquently stated: "oy, vey" - That's an invitation in a half to "kvetch" :)
While I was in Toronto last month staying at a friends place for 2 night. We went to a conference. His wife had left about 1 week earlier by car to visit people along the way to Victoria BC. My friend was Leaving Monday by plane after the GBS/CIDP conference which was on Saturday.
So he goes on his computer Saturday night to check when he booked his flight for Victoria BC and he couldn't find anything on his computer stating that he bought a plane ticket and he check his credit card statements. After just over an hour of searching he realized that he didn't buy a plane ticket. He thought he booked his flight for Monday to go to BC to meet his wife and daughter a long time ago
So he ended up looking for a ticket to Victoria from different websites for cheap fares and manage to get one from Air Canada.
He thought he had booked his ticket a long time ago and all the fact was that he forgot to book his flight. Luckily with less then 2 days notice he got a good flight.
Thank god he didn't wait to the last minute to check for the time he was suppose to leave the Toronto Airport because it would have been hard to get a good departure time

So LadyLore I hope you have a great safe trip and I hope you have nice weather when you arrive at your destination.

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