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I leave for Winnipeg on Thursday to visit my sister and her family for the weekend. I have had two dreams (nightmares) in regards to the trip, specifically getting on the plane.
Last week I dreamt that I had lost my ticket and the person at check-in wouldn't even check the computer to see if I was on the flight. The nightmare got stranger as I was explaining to my nephew why I wasn't there.
Last night, I dreamt that I was visiting someone but then had to leave to see my sister but for the life of me couldn't remember when the plane left (day or time).
Now I have notes all over my place to remind me to get on that plane on thursday. Flight leaves at 12:45 so I need to leave my house by 10 am latest.

Last week I dreamt that I had lost my ticket and the person at check-in wouldn't even check the computer to see if I was on the flight. The nightmare got stranger as I was explaining to my nephew why I wasn't there.
Last night, I dreamt that I was visiting someone but then had to leave to see my sister but for the life of me couldn't remember when the plane left (day or time).
Now I have notes all over my place to remind me to get on that plane on thursday. Flight leaves at 12:45 so I need to leave my house by 10 am latest.