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I saw a question in a previous thread about which medications interact with each other.

The drug interaction checker was mentioned.

I was wondering if those are accurate and or with some medications if they may interact with another medication but the interaction is so mild it's nothing to worry about. For instance maybe one person out of a hundred had a bad reaction. It just has to be mentioned "just in case?"

The reason I ask is many times I have checked medications and found interactions but my psychiatrist and my pharmacist are fine with the Rx. :unsure:

Just curious:crazy:


Drug/drug or drug/food interactions are identified by actual scientifically identifiable chemical or metabolic interactions that impede or otherwise disrupt the process a compound would take in its normal distribution and or elimnation in the body would it not be for the presence of the interacting compound.

Do these interactions affect each and every person clinically by impeding or enhancing effectiveness or by creating unwanted adverse effects?

Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't, but numerous interactions can be toxic and life threatening.

Your physician and/or pharmacist should be able to alert patients to the potentials of interactions, and to help weigh risks and benefits of using that combination of meds.

Sometimes a physician's clinical experience demonstrates mininal risk with appeciable benefits.

However, sadly, even to this day, aome clinicians do not fully understand or appreciate the significance of drug interactions, even though we now have three decades of data to support many concerns.

As an informaed patient, it is in your own interest to use one of the many scientifically and medically accurate interaction checkers avalable online to investigate the potential for interactions with your particular medication regimen.

If you have concerns, ask your doctor and pharmacist for an interpretation. You can always seek further opinions if you need more information,
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