Hello to you all,
I would like to introduce myself as an addict and alcoholic who spends most of his time clean but occasionally has a relapse. It's a constant battle, the enemy is negative energy. I amuse myself by visiting the many drug forums, not those that are set up to help but the kind that are freaquented by the drug subculture, so far i have been banned from two...You want to know why i was banned, because i spoke the truth,whatever happened to freedom of speech? These forums i speak of openly promote and advocate the use of all drugs, they think of themselves as freedom fighters, unfortunately they are far from it, the moderators operate in a very strict manner, basically if you go against the grain they silence you, they wipe your posts, it's the most repressive i have encountered on the internet. You can get recipes and methods for taking drugs, links to suppliers, etc., etc. It's unbelieveable. Did you know you can buy really powerful drugs over the net, psychedelic drugs, stimulants, opiates. I can buy a new drug from Ebay, it's like LSD but lasts three days, it's covered up and is being sold as something else. I think society will never overcome drugs, they are everywhere, lots of people get away with using drugs, many don't... More and more people of the world who have encountered drugs are becoming ill from them, mostly mental problems.
The drugs don't work! :dance:
I would like to introduce myself as an addict and alcoholic who spends most of his time clean but occasionally has a relapse. It's a constant battle, the enemy is negative energy. I amuse myself by visiting the many drug forums, not those that are set up to help but the kind that are freaquented by the drug subculture, so far i have been banned from two...You want to know why i was banned, because i spoke the truth,whatever happened to freedom of speech? These forums i speak of openly promote and advocate the use of all drugs, they think of themselves as freedom fighters, unfortunately they are far from it, the moderators operate in a very strict manner, basically if you go against the grain they silence you, they wipe your posts, it's the most repressive i have encountered on the internet. You can get recipes and methods for taking drugs, links to suppliers, etc., etc. It's unbelieveable. Did you know you can buy really powerful drugs over the net, psychedelic drugs, stimulants, opiates. I can buy a new drug from Ebay, it's like LSD but lasts three days, it's covered up and is being sold as something else. I think society will never overcome drugs, they are everywhere, lots of people get away with using drugs, many don't... More and more people of the world who have encountered drugs are becoming ill from them, mostly mental problems.
The drugs don't work! :dance: