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Hi, everyone!
Not so long ago I tried psychological e-consultation (psychological consultation on-line. In contrast to my expectations I have positive emotions after that. Well, it must be said this kind of psy help works.
The main thing I really like in psychological consultation on-line is possibility to open myself freely without time limits or counsellor expectations. It was an incentive for me to think my problem over...and I feel I can surmount my problem.
I found out about the center where I've received psy help in a web directory.
Does anybody have an experience of psychological consultation on-line? Please, share your experiences and opinions.

Thank you.


Re: E-counselling

i dont have any experience of it but please check who you are talking too first, as I have heard some horror stories about people being used and charged lots of money and getting nothing for it, just be careful. take care now.


Re: E-counselling


I do e-counselling as well and find it to be extremely beneficial for the reasons you state - there are no time constraints and I am far less inhibited. I know as well that in face to face counselling the connection with the therapist is crucial and I'd say this is equally true with e-counselling. There are drawbacks as well, so its not for everyone, but it can be beneficial.
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