Hey there ,
weel time flies and my falow-ups are comming to an end i was told 5 months and i am going to my last one on tuesdayat the clinic after i will be starting my therapie with a dietist and a psychologist i get to meet them on the 20th of april and it will start from there i am really happy that things are finaly being put into place i recently spoke to my psychologist from the clini aboutt he fact that i was turning 18 soon and the fact that the procramme limits the age at 18 and 17 and a half for new commers because of the duration of the treatment she has told me that seeings how i was already there iam an exeption but then again we both agree to let the therapie home try to work first and well thatwould mean i am not going back . i am pretty content with that and i have chosen to drop the hole <<everything is over at 18>>cause well i am not going to alow myself to be bulimi for the rest of my life and anorexic .. my boyfriend is in this with me now as he says and is going to try and help me once i move to montreal for school university the world of treatment programme opens to me but i am a bit insecure about what is there i have started making myself sick again .. a lot and well i am not in emediat danger but i will need a bit of help i was woundering if anybody as ways to get out of a bulimic phase.. i used to do exercise i will start back soon but my lungs are pretty sick right now do to pneumonia so i am unable to..
yours trully
and if anybody knows any treatment prog or group near ottawa or montreal that would be great to giveme the names.. or things ..
weel time flies and my falow-ups are comming to an end i was told 5 months and i am going to my last one on tuesdayat the clinic after i will be starting my therapie with a dietist and a psychologist i get to meet them on the 20th of april and it will start from there i am really happy that things are finaly being put into place i recently spoke to my psychologist from the clini aboutt he fact that i was turning 18 soon and the fact that the procramme limits the age at 18 and 17 and a half for new commers because of the duration of the treatment she has told me that seeings how i was already there iam an exeption but then again we both agree to let the therapie home try to work first and well thatwould mean i am not going back . i am pretty content with that and i have chosen to drop the hole <<everything is over at 18>>cause well i am not going to alow myself to be bulimi for the rest of my life and anorexic .. my boyfriend is in this with me now as he says and is going to try and help me once i move to montreal for school university the world of treatment programme opens to me but i am a bit insecure about what is there i have started making myself sick again .. a lot and well i am not in emediat danger but i will need a bit of help i was woundering if anybody as ways to get out of a bulimic phase.. i used to do exercise i will start back soon but my lungs are pretty sick right now do to pneumonia so i am unable to..
yours trully
and if anybody knows any treatment prog or group near ottawa or montreal that would be great to giveme the names.. or things ..