More threads by Sophie Cecile


I've always been nervous about asking people for things, but now it's getting ridiculous. I'm scared to ask for a glass of water at a restaurant in a mall for fear that I'll be laughed at and be told what I'm doing or asking for is stupid and somehow wrong.

In any sort of public situation where I can be told to leave such as a library or a store I'm afraid to do anything for fear that I'm being overly scrutinized, or that they will tell me that I'm doing something wrong or stupid or that I don't have a clue. I'm so scared of things like this that I will panic and hyperventilate. My teeth will start to chatter and I end up sobbing uncontrollably and pulling at my hair. On days where I panic like this, my entire day is ruined, I just feel like crap for the rest of the day and chew out the ones that I love even though it's the last thing I want to do. I panic about not doing well enough in English class even though I already have an 88% average, and I get so stressed I throw up.

What's wrong with me??


Hi Sophie
Obviously diagnosis aren't made here and I am in no position to tell you what exactly is "wrong" with you. I doubt their is anything"wrong" with you at all. It does sound like you have some serious anxiety issues though. Maybe just to much stress?
Do you see a mental health professional at all? If it's really bothering you it wouldn't hurt to maybe go and see someone about it. :)
I do see a person about it and I take anxiety meds, but some days it gets so bad I wonder if all the pain is really worth it.
I feel really stuck a lot. Everybody seems so much better than me in every way.
Sure, I can do some things well, but somebody's always going to be better than me so what's the point of trying?


Your right. Someone will always be better than you, there will always be someone better than everyone at certain things. That doesn't mean you have to quit. Maybe your way better at some things that they are not.
I can assure you that everyone around isn't doing better than you. I mean, I understand where your coming from totally but they may be struggling in other ways, with other things. A lot of people wear masks. They may be doing horribly on the inside but look like they are doing great. I know I am very good at doing that.
I understand that it is hard, especially at your age, but it will be worth it once you have your anxiety under control.
You take anxiety meds. Do you see a therapist at all? Sorry, I am pretty sure I am making you repeat yourself, I don't remember specifically what you said before.:panic:


Do you have a school counselor you could see on top of the Psychologist? Maybe focus more on you if your doing a lot of family therapy?
My school's really small and doesn't have a true counselor, and with my last day of classes on friday, it probably wouldn't do me much good even if we did.

Daniel E.
You may find it helpful to read some books on anxiety. One book on the subject is by a very popular author, David Burns:

When Panic Attacks: The New, Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy That Can Change Your Life

His other self-help book with the title "Feeling Good" may also be helpful.

All of these books by David Burns are very popular and so are usually available at the local library.

Like other books on the subject, they show how cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) can be applied to treating anxiety.
I have a 'Feeling Good' Book on my shelf that belonged to my dad who has suffered similar problems. I'll be sure to try it.
Thank you.
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