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I have this tendency to never be able to remember people after meeting them. I could meet someone today and talk to them for hours and then if i met them the next day it would be like they were a stranger to me. I may have an inkling that i know them from somewhere, but most times if they stop to talk to me unless they give some cue as to where i know them from i will go through the conversation vaguely and not be able to place them. It is the same with names. If i can get the idea that i know them from somewhere i just cannot get their name.

This plagues me as i sometimes offend people or embarrass myself in front of people that i should know. What could cause this? I just name it facial recognition disorder. (self diagnosed, im not a Dr.)

could it be caused by my depression? medication? lack of will to remember? bad memory? any ideas?

Daniel E.
It is the same with names. If i can get the idea that i know them from somewhere i just cannot get their name.

Almost everybody has problems with remembering people's names. Faces are generally easier to remember, especially if the context is the same.


Especially context, I cannot even recognize my own therapist out of the office. If she were to speak then her voice would trigger familiarity but I mean that seems excessive. Even distant family members I cannot recognize or know where they look familiar from. So aggregating.
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