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'Little Drummer Boy" is also one of my all-time favourite carols.
I must be a lot older because I like someone like Andy Williams singing it :)

I've noticed that even though I've been typically down during this season, that Xmas carols do help to cheer me up.

Another carol I like is Ave Marie (but maybe that's not really a carol). There are others I love. Silent Night is also a favourite.

There is not much more than an hour to go before Xmas Day here in Australia.

For now,



Resident Canuck
Looks like we all have great taste in the Carols :p We all like the Little Drummer Boy song.



The words to the carol "Good King Wenceslas" were written by John Mason Neale and published in 1853, the music originates in Finland 300 years earlier. This Christmas carol is unusual as there is no reference in the lyrics to the nativity. Good King Wenceslas was the king of Bohemia in the 10th century. Good King Wenceslas was a Catholic and was martyred following his assassination by his brother Boleslaw and his supporters, his Saint's Day is September 28th, and he is the Patron Saint of the Czech Republic. St. Stephen's feast day was celebrated on 26th December which is why this song is sung as a Christmas carol.

This has always been one of my favorites and I never realized that the music originated in Finland where my grandparents were born. :heart: Mari
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