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I was just wondering as what everyone's favorite romantic and dating movies are.

I personally like movies like 'The Next Karate Kid', 'The Karate Kid, Part 2', 'Poetic Justice', 'Valley Girl', 'Braveheart', 'Labyrinth', 'Legend', 'The Princess Bride', and 'Top Gun' just to name a few.

My ex wife used to like 'Sleepless in Seattle' and 'You've got mail'.

I really like the Karate kid movies because the message that they present about having respect for yourself, other, and for all living things while at the same time being more than willing to stand up and defend yourself if you need to.

I also really like the movie 'Poetic Justice' because of the poetry that she writes in the movie as I personally think that is just totally awesome and I would someday like to learn to write poetry.

While not really romantic I also kind of like the 'Bourne Identity' movies because most of them are centered in France and for a long time I have always wanted to visit both Japan and France. I like Japan because I am attracted to the martial arts and have been ever since I was a kid and I really like France because it is supposed to be one of the most romantic places in the world.


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slumdog millionaire. Slumdog Millionaire (2008)

A little heavy at times but, definitely worth seeing. Based in India with the main character being of the lower cast (untouchable) - we follow his life until he's 18 years old. That's as much as I'm willing to share without ruining the movie! :)


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
I really enjoyed slumdog millionaire too, Jazzey :) My mum was going to see it yesterday. She read a review that morning, though, and she rang me at work to double-check that it wasn't as graphic as the review made out!

My favourite romantic movies are Memoirs of a Geisha, Chocolat, Love Actually, Kate and Leopold, and You've Got Mail (Meg Ryan's character in this movie makes me feel better no matter what :)).


10_Items_or_Less_(film) (not a romantic comedy per se, but romantic nonetheless in the Morgan Freeman character befriending the leading lady)...
Sounds good. Will get it to watch

..This is great - I'm adding to my "movies to watch" list.
Me too!

Ok, now mine

1. (Without a doubt - and despite the Divine debacle :eek: ) Four Weddings And A Funeral

2. (Also without a doubt) "Persuasion" by Jane Austen (the 1995 version only) - close to being the perfect movie for me (and Jane Austen beats anyone else at any time)

3. (Also without a doubt) The 1995 version (shown here as a series) "Pride and Prejudice" - Jane Austen naturally!

4. "Romantic Comedy" (1983). I sat and watched the part near the ending over and over and over.... Ohhhhh...

5. Another ooohhhhh... "Murphy's Romance" (1985) with James Garner and Sally Field. After seeing it at the cinema, went straight back in and watched it again. Have done that about twice in my life!

... I know there are more...

As a teenager, I was given to reading a type of magazine popular at the time called something like "Love Story", full of short, fictional love stories. Then someone whom I respected said that only frustrated old spinsters read those. Never picked one up since :blush: Funnily enough, I still seem to watch an awful lot of movies that have the same kind of theme - but that's different, isn't it!? It has to be!! :eek:


I just read this thread for the first time and I have now watched Slumdog Millionaire and have to say that I really did not like it. I almost turned it off about half way through but decided I should probably at least see how it turned out. I find a lot of times now that when I hear a lot of reviews, chatter and hype about a movie, it normally becomes a let down. It is unfortunate but a trend at this time.

A movie that I bought and watched the other week was Changeling (2008). It was awesome and a true story to boot. I couldn't get enough of it and was totally engrossed in it.

Of course my all time favourite movies are:

Grease (1978)

Pretty Woman (1990)

Ace Ventura:pet Detective (1994)

Lean On Me (1989)

I am sure there are more but those are the "classic (older) ones" for me.


Films like Closer, West Side Story, Carousel, A Star is Born, The Way We Where are good for dating and romantic type viewing:)


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:lol: definitely not a skin flick...But, definitely moving. It's biographical and moving on all love fronts. :)

And I like your movie pics too...:)


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I also loved "hope floats" (hmm...Harry Connick Jr....) and "the proposal" with her...Not to metion the "miss congeniality" movies, although a little less on the 'romantic' side of things...
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