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my fears come out mostly at night time. won't go out at night especially summer because of the bats. i lived in a house full of bats as a child i leave a light on at night when im alone especially my husband and daughter make fun of my fears which is okay i don't care i can't even go in the part of the zoo that has bats behind the glass because it stirrs up old fears i have many a nightmares with bats attacking me to I know logically they won't harm me now as an adult but i just can't go out at night for fear one flies at me


Resident Canuck
Re: fear of dark

I am generally afraid of the dark. I don't often venture out when it is dark outside.

I posted a while back about being afraid of the dark and got quite a nice suggestions about coping with it.

Afraid of the dark - Page 2 - Psychlinks Psychology Self-Help & Mental Health Support Forum

Interms of the bats. I use to be afraid of them too. I remember as a kid at a friend of the family's place, they had bats. They always instilled fear in me of them too, so I understand.

I learned quickly when people would try to instill things in me, fear. That true knowledge is the best tool.


Contrary to popular belief, less than one percent of bats carry rabies and attacks by bats are extremely rare.

All of the bats found in New Jersey are strictly insect eaters; a bat can consume hundreds of insects in an hour.

Bats are not blind but they depend more on their sonar than eyesight to navigate, avoid obstacles, and capture insects. They almost never get tangled in peoples' hair.

Bats are true hibernators and usually enter caves, mines, buildings, and even sewers in the fall to hibernate over winter.

I am sorry you are afraid. Phobias can really prevent us from venturing out or doing things we enjoy. I wish your family didn't make fun of you for being afraid, that isn't nice and isn't helpful. :support:


Re: fear of dark

Mary :support:
I have a fear of blackbirds because when I was a child and llived in the country they used to rush at me and bite me. And they fly at any time! Fortunately, I don't see hardly any in the suburbs.


Account Closed
Re: Fear of dark

I think many of us have a fear of something. And I think it's normal giving your past experience. Saying that - are there any bats in your area? If yes, what time of night would they start coming out? My guess is that bats would start coming out when your fast asleep.

I use to have a general fear of the dark. So now I sleep with a night light and the radio on low. I light candles around my place in the evening. It has turned from something frightening to peaceful.
Re: fear of dark

thanks NicNak for information and yes i tell them its not very nice to make fun of me and my fears i wish icould sit out with them campfire but bats eh i hate them they use to fly on me atnight i had to pull blanket over my head how does one get rid of that fear oh well they are hibernating now but spring will soon be here then theywill be out again i acutally paid my son and daughter 35 dollars each to get rid of a bat that got in my house god it was terrifying

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yeh blackbirds are bad too anything that flys at me i get apprehensive
Re: Fear of dark

thanks Robyn i use to sleep light on but my husband didn't go for that maybe a radio would keep my mind off my fears at night thanks again mary


You don't have fear in the dark but what you scared of are the bats. Fear of something usually came from our experience when we were a child. As a start to face your fear try to sleep on your room with a dim light.
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