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I have a long history of fatigue, and have had docs said "may fibro." The last 18 months my life has been turned upside down. Back pain, inflammation, knee and back pain. The main symptom is foot problems. neuropathy (pins and needles) and plantar fascists w/ heel spurs.

I have gone to many specialists and no one can tell me why i have nerve damage, low vitamin B12 and D levels.

Anyone else with fibro/CFS with anything similar?



Is your blood sugar level o.k.? Diabetes can sometimes cause symptoms of neuropathy, as elevated glucose levels can damage nerves. I believe the HbA1c should be under 6.5. You should also consult with a neurologist to determine the cause of the neuropathy if it is not diabetes, as neuropathy can get progressively worse if the underlying condition is not treated. Hypothyroidism, syphilis, Lyme disease, HIV, auto-immune diseases, nutritional deficiencies, celiac disease, alcoholism, heavy metal toxicity, nerve entrapment and herniated discs can be some of the causes of neuropathy. Hypothyroidism, Lyme disease and some auto-immune disorders can also cause myalgia. Certain kidney diseases can cause back pain and muscle pain. You should have a kidney function test done.

Lyrica or Cymbalta can be prescribed to treat the pain from fibromyalgia and neuropathy. There are many are other anti-convulsant and antidepressant options available. Try taking methylcobalamin 12 (MB12) and vitamin D3, as the body seems to absorb these better. Have your thiamine and folic acid levels checked. Magnesium can help to decrease muscle pain. Some individuals with fibromyalgia have benefited from taking 5 HTP or SAM-e. The latter has been used for neuropathy as well. 5 HTP and SAM-e are herbal antidepressants, and should not be taken with traditional antidepressants, as this can cause serotonin syndrome. Benfotiamine, alpha lipoic acid and aceytl l carnitine can help some people with neuropathy.
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