If you are serious about your request for a mod and need for some help and will accept someone with very limited knowledge of Fibromyalgia but is willing to learn, has lots of time on her hands, not much of a social life and loves computers then give me a shout because I would love to help you out
Anything to see your forum up and running and helping others
Take care
Hey, Nancy, I would be honored!
LMBO at Nancy and Davids conversation!
Nancy Doc is famous for those quick come backs. And they are always funny!
btw, I did a reinstall of the forum, change the recipes section and the devontions section, going to make a few other changes as well, first though I have things to get to here in the house, Christmas decorations are still up and I have to take them down today. Two homework assignments are due in 2 classes online, and the artist site, he decided he wanted to change the color. So I need to do some graphical work to that. THEN figure out what is going on in the forum.
Thanks for all the input from everyone, I greatly appreciate it.
I know about the social life situation. I have mostly online friends. My pc is my link to the world of sociality! LOL.
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