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Desperatly seeking some info from anyone that has dealt with or dealing with AVPD ( avoidant personality disorder ?)
experiences,therapies,medications,thought processes etc etc
Im very tired of living in a bubble and watching the world go on around me.
Any feedback or questions would be highly appreciated

Daniel E.
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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Welcome, tiger. I see that Daniel has already pointed you to some starting places. You might also find some of the threads on general anxiety disorders and social anxiety or social phobia helpful.


Well, I can't actually say because I am on other medications for other reasons.
I do know that a lot of the anti-anxiety medications are recommended, and depending on your circumstances and your Doctor, benzo's. They are addicting for a lot of people though.

I know your just asking , I just need to say that I'm not a Dr (obviously) these are just my opinions.
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