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Doh! Old hotlink-sorry.

I thought I had finally rid my balcony of these pigeons. I was told to try to put cat urine out there. Now I tried to get my cat to go on my deck but he wouldn't listen, I think he thinks he is to dignified for such a thing, whatever, that's his issue I wasn't about to argue. Anyway, I put scooped/used litter out there in containers and didn't see any pigeons for about a week, I think.
I think they were casing the place though, seeing if there really was a cat roaming their new found home.
This morning they were huddled in the corner of my deck behind my bike and some other deck stuff. I checked later on in the morning and they were still there. Isn't it normal for pigeons to get up and go hang with other pigeons, search for food, get some lovin', poop on humans? That is normal pigeon behaviour (I know because a little birdie told me). I think they may have made a nest, I don't want to disturb it if they did. Unless they just want some "privacy" to fill said nest, they aren't like other exhibitionist pigeons...
Maybe I should call up a pigeon farmer. Pigeon is actually considered tasty in some parts of the world, actually in Canada too, I think in that wacky city Toronto their is a chef that serves it. I doubt they would want my measly two. That's hardly a meal.

Deck stuff=junk
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