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Well, she was my best friend, but we kind of drifted apart. Anyway she lost her dad recently and I'd like to send her a card. Would I be out of line doing this since we haven't really kept in touch, just through our parents?


Hi Janet,

I don't think that would be out of line at all. I think she would really appreciate your kind thoughts during this difficult time.
I really liked her dad. He was a really nice man. She was a Daddy's girl too, the only girl and the baby of the family. So I imagine she's really suffering. I think I will get a card tomorrow and send it. Thanks for the input.


I agree with BG, I think that it is a great idea. It does show that you are a caring and kind person :hug:


I think it'll be wonderful for her to see that even though you two drifted apart, that you think of her. And now, it may mean more to her then you realize. :) You're a good heart, Janet. :hug:
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