David Baxter PhD
Late Founder
Survivor to Thriver
Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA)
Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA SM) is an international self-help support group program designed specifically for adult survivors of neglect, physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse. The ASCA SM program offers:
ASCA Survivor to Thriver Manual ? Online Versionhttp://www.ascasupport.org/_html_manuals/survivortothriver/index.html
The web version of the Survivor to Thriver manua is now back online. The new interactive format has been indexed for easier use.
ASCA Survivor to Thriver Manual ? PDF Version
This PDF file contains the complete Survivor to Thriver manual. It is provided for those who wish to keep a copy on their computer or print a copy for their own use. You will need Adobe Reader (Note: The PDF version of the Survivor to Thriver manual is 280kb. It may take a few minutes to open if you do not have a broadband connection.)
ASCA Survivor to Thriver Manual ? Print Version
You can purchase a professionally printed, coil bound, color covered edition of The Survivor to Thriver manual for $19.99 (plus shipping) using the link above.
Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA)
Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA SM) is an international self-help support group program designed specifically for adult survivors of neglect, physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse. The ASCA SM program offers:
- Community based self-help support groups
- Provider based self-help support groups
- Web based self-help support groups
- Survivor to Thriver workbooks
ASCA Survivor to Thriver Manual ? Online Versionhttp://www.ascasupport.org/_html_manuals/survivortothriver/index.html
The web version of the Survivor to Thriver manua is now back online. The new interactive format has been indexed for easier use.
ASCA Survivor to Thriver Manual ? PDF Version

This PDF file contains the complete Survivor to Thriver manual. It is provided for those who wish to keep a copy on their computer or print a copy for their own use. You will need Adobe Reader (Note: The PDF version of the Survivor to Thriver manual is 280kb. It may take a few minutes to open if you do not have a broadband connection.)
ASCA Survivor to Thriver Manual ? Print Version
You can purchase a professionally printed, coil bound, color covered edition of The Survivor to Thriver manual for $19.99 (plus shipping) using the link above.