More threads by forgetmenot

I have had gallbladder removed 2008 emergency surgery it was the past week been so ill god so sick put it off as depression body giving up
Dr. called wanted me to go to emergency room right away blood work showed bile and liver enzymes were sky high
I sat in that dam emergency dept over 4 hours waiting for a surgeon to speak to me guess what no one could get a hold of him no one came to speak to me for 4 hours
sent home in the end told me to go back to gp and set up an appt with surgeon through her lol
I am getting better now i have wasted enough time in hospital If and when i get sick again if the dam stone blocks a duct again then they can go in and get it i still say it is just depression it is my bodies way of giving up At least blood work they took showed the levels although high are coming down some so for now i am ok
I don't want surgery i hate being put under not having control not knowing what is happening i guess i should be grateful that whatever it was is not blocking anything for the moment.



Were you in pain? Did you have the gall bladder removed and now you have a stone in the duct? Hope you are feeling better!
i am ok had gallbladder removed 2008 just high fever now no headache anymore i will talk to my doctor sometime just to give her new blood results from emergency dept
i can decide later if surgery is necessary if duct get blocked again they can take me in for emergency surgery i am not worried anymore and i am not abt to sit in a cold room for 4 hours without anyone keeping me up to date as to what is going on i do understand these things happen so i am not too surprised i have a hundred things to do today and i cannot be in hospital i just can't



Hope you are feeling better.

My father was in hospital with bad infection from a blocked duct and they had to wait for the infection to clear in order to remove the gall bladder. Such a catch 22! He had become jaundice then a specialist did an ERCP described below which does not require opening up with surgery and it worked!

Bile duct obstruction is a blockage in the tubes that carry bile, a liquid used in digestion, from the liver to the gallbladder and small intestine. When the bile ducts become blocked, bile accumulates in the liver. If the obstruction is caused by gallstones, these may be removed using an endoscope during an ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) procedure.
Thanks make-art my fever has come down and my blood work is returning to normal so whatever blocked the duct has passed i guess Doc suppose to book me in to see specialist for this procedure all i know is i am tired see my kidney specialist tomorrow I do believe my body is giving up though i think my depression is shutting everything down now Therapy today i felt god iknow iknow i should just let it all go and um tell my therapist i relieve him of any promises now to not throw me away
I know he can not help me because i don't want help now he knows what i want. so why keep going why waste his time what can we do for xxxx we cant do anything because she is not here anymore sheleft along time ago no whales no trips will ever bring her back Anniversary of my bros death coming up oh god i don't want to this again i don't think they will find anything to remove i think my body is just shutting down brain is so very powerful that way
Work tonight maybe still haven't decided if i will go in

Surgery tomorrow ungodly hour of 0630 am

i don't know if it is necessary now but that will be up to specialist i see tomorrow

Got be the worst feeling going under having control of you taken away i hate going under.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Thinking of you forgetmenot and wishing you strength.

Hope everything goes well, I am sure it will, and wish you a speedy recovery so that we can see your lovely, friendly, valued virtual face (?!) back again soon, when you feel like it. :) xx
ya i guess hope they find out what is making me sick if not then i went through all this for nothing I don't even know this new doctor i don't know him H e is so new but i heard he is ok

oh i am going to try to sleep have to get up at 5 am that will be fun lol just breath right breath
Sorry ended up being hospitalized just got home dam eh
i never want to be i a patient ever again
i never want to be that sick ever again
i did not think i was going to make it
The staff were excellent. i must say that but i did not sleep i was too sick.

i just remember being so sick how did a simple procedure end me up in an emergency room and being hospitalized for 6 days

I am at home and i wish in my head i wish i was gone but i know that would destroy everyone
rest rest i could not rest my blood pressure went up to was 179/111
how could i rest knowing everything that was going on i could i rest how when i know this nightmare will never end
i am home i am stable and now i have to find way to keep moving forward lord.
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