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I was wondering were i could post my question and well i chose here i hope it is the right lpace well i ws just wondering being an identical swined and all and having a health issue that being a e-d if my sister was mor or less at risk of catching it given my history with these disorders...If i was and am depressive is it possible that she becoms that way to because i am .... basicly is she more at risk?
yours trully
I was wondering were i could post my question and well i chose here i hope it is the right lpace well i ws just wondering being an identical swined and all and having a health issue that being a e-d if my sister was mor or less at risk of catching it given my history with these disorders...If i was and am depressive is it possible that she becoms that way to because i am .... basicly is she more at risk?
yours trully

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
There may be a stistically higher risk but it certainly doesn't mean that she will develop the dirsorder -- look at the Olsen twins as an example -- as far as I know, only one of them has a problem with anorexia-bulimia.

If an immediate family member has a mental disorder, there is an increased risk of a related disorder in other family members but not necessarily the same one. For example, if your mother is diagnosed with schizophrenia, your risk for developing schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, an anxiety disorder, or a mood disorder, etc., all increase, but that takes you from a 1% risk to say a 10% risk (pulling a number out of the air rather than an accurate statistic) -- there is still a better than even chance that you will not become ill yourself.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
There may be a stistically higher risk but it certainly doesn't mean that she will develop the dirsorder -- look at the Olsen twins as an example -- as far as I know, only one of them has a problem with anorexia-bulimia.

If an immediate family member has a mental disorder, there is an increased risk of a related disorder in other family members but not necessarily the same one. For example, if your mother is diagnosed with schizophrenia, your risk for developing schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, an anxiety disorder, or a mood disorder, etc., all increase, but that takes you from a 1% risk to say a 10% risk (pulling a number out of the air rather than an accurate statistic) -- there is still a better than even chance that you will not become ill yourself.
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