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Dont think i have posted anything in this section yet! Thought i would share this video... its my chinchilla called Geo... made a little video of her playing around in my room, it was to show STP but i thought i would post it here and share with everyone else as well.

YouTube - Geo The Chinchilla - In HD


Thanks for sharing the video, she is so cute! I have heard that chinchilla's make nice pets. They are certainly very cute.


She is so cute. I love when they roll in the sand. Why do they do that anyway? I think I was told it was for cleaning? Is that true? I was waiting for her to go rogue and bite your hand off! lol I'm so scared of their teeth. Your room looks pretty funky. :goodjob:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
No, it means the opposite. I was thinking of how dogs both mark their territory with their scent and roll in other scents for reasons that were never clear to me. Either way, it has to do with announcing their presence to rivals.

What you suggested would be hiding their presence from other animals.



no its just to clean their fur to keep it clean and healthy and silky, they cant get water near their fur because of the oil in their fur or something and it would damage the fur. Dust bath is natural for them, she has to get one everyday lol.

She is really clever as well i call her name and she runs to me and begs for a treat ( raisen ) lol
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