More threads by georgeandsalem

hello again jazzey. sorry for the last time i was on. i was on the liquer that nite. no, i havent been to the police. this guy is good at covering his tracks. i was kind of hoping for a dr lecter type insight in to this situation. its a complicated situation, it can be seen through a bullying framework of analysis, but it also has a underworld mafia style backstory and has developed within a certain social mileu. its also been incorporated into my ocd, so i spike about it alot. anyway, thanks. i am foing on the grog later on 2nite but i wont be bothering psychlink.


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:) You weren't bothering us last time either G & S, I just wanted to make sure you were ok. It is nice to see you again.
thanks for your time. am about to log of shortly,i have a c.o, a carryout of beer awaiting my attention in the fridge..

---------- Post added at 08:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 PM ----------

thanks buddy. i have a c.o, a carry out, of beer requiring my urgent attention, so am about to log off. will chat 2 u again. here, do ure self a favour and at british time, 10pm tonite, log onto talksport radio in the uk and listen to the george galloway show. he is a brialliant orator and he will change ure way of thinking about a lot of issues. goodnite.
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