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Hi all. My name is Jason. I am getting my masters in mental health counseling and hope to work with sex offenders in a correctional setting. I left SUNY Fredonia with a B.A. in Criminal Justice, Psychology, and Sociology. I am hoping to gather a wealth of information from this site. I have already found myself killing way too much time at work here looking through the Criminal Justice/Criminal Psychology sections.

Until recently, I have spent most of my time on a sportbike forum. Sadly it has turned into a bunch of trolls asking the same 'fake questions' over and over again. Others hang around the politics and religion section; if your opinion does not reflect theirs, you must be an idiot. I just got fed up spending all my time, which is not to say that I will not still consider it home, and my first resort on motorcycle riding and repair tips and advice.

Sorry, I got a little off topic there.


Hi Crash,

:welcome: to Psychlinks. I certainly hope your username is not reflective of your sportbike skills ;)


Hi Crash,

:welcome: to Psychlinks. I certainly hope your username is not reflective of your sportbike skills ;)

I am a pretty competent rider, but sooner or later all riders hit the pavement. ones choice of protective gear determines how they USUALLY fair through the accident, but there are exceptions to every rule.


Hi Crash,

Love the name ;) My little son is an absolute off-road addict and it started as soon as he saw his dad's bike for the first time (who loves that so much that he does it for a living) so uderstand the love!

Welcome to Psychlinks!



Until recently, I have spent most of my time on a sportbike forum. Sadly it has turned into a bunch of trolls asking the same 'fake questions' over and over again. Others hang around the politics and religion section; if your opinion does not reflect theirs, you must be an idiot. I just got fed up [...]

In other words, it was a typical Internet message board, eh? :rofl:

Welcome aboard, then! We're not typical...not even Dr. Baxter! (Except for the beard, but that's only because of some archaic regulation by the Licensing Board of Clinical Psychologists.)
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Hello Jason!

:welcome2: to Psychlinks!

Your experience and training should be a valuable asset to the Forum.

Hope you find our Forum informative and enjoyable.


Hello Jason!

:welcome2: to Psychlinks!

Your experience and training should be a valuable asset to the Forum.

Hope you find our Forum informative and enjoyable.

Thank you all for the warm welcome. I am always cautious about giving advice as I am not yet a licensed mental health counselor; I am not sure of the ethical considerations, legal and other issues attached to giving advice before I am legally qualified to do so. I honestly do not think my malpractice insurance would cover me.


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How about just chatting? Just talking about life experiences Crash. There are no expectations of you here. We just rely on each other. You'll notice that the vast majority of us are here purely because of personal experience. Professional experience doesn't come into the equation unless your name is Dr. David Baxter....:)


As Jazzey alludes to, Psychlinks is largely a peer to peer support venue. Most of us are not health professionals, but rather lay people from various walks of life with an interest or experience with mental health issues.

We do not make diagnoses nor do we provide therapy, but we do try to point people into the right direction for competent medical help when indicated.

Otherwise we share experiences, provide support and do so under the supervision of Dr. Baxter who is available to address the more technical issues.

That's why you can feel at ease and comfortable in using your own life experience tempered by your training and education to participate in some interesting and often rewarding exchanges.
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