More threads by cattamia


I am generally an upbeat person.. just got on the bad luck wagon past year or so.. but while waiting to be able to post.. I was reading posts.. I feel a lil weird sharing my silly stuff after reading some of the heartbreaking thoughts and feelings here. I may be in the wrong place.
Hey at least reading some of the other posts made me feel better about my stuff.. I hope that was not insulting.. it was sincerely not meant to be.

I dunno.. I may write something.. I guess I am just looking for advice, but I don't think there is any.. just a no win situation.. but it could be worse!

Best wishes to all!:)


How often are you here reading all of this sad dialog?

I was just thinking about the forum thing.. how can other "blue people" really help anyone else when they are in a more difficult place.
I don't think I could really get past my own crap long enough to advise anyone else.. at least right now.


how can other "blue people" really help anyone else when they are in a more difficult place

An online forum is like having a bunch of people over in your living room.. sometimes the conversation originates from you, so another person offers their insights and support. Later someone else shares their thoughts or feelings and you contribute something from your own life experience.

There are no "rules" as to who helps whom....we all help each other.

How often are you here reading .....(forum)dialog?
Our volunteer forum staff is located in various time zones, so it's possible someone is monitoring or reading forum discussions anytime of the day or night.

Hope you find what you're looking for on Psychlinks.



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Hi Cattamia, :welcome:

Not all of us are going through a hard time or are blue. Some of us have lived with and recovering from mental illnesses, some of us are professionals, and some of us are here because we love psychology and some want to know how to maintain great mental health. Myself - I have been diagnosed with PTSD and in recovery, at one time worked in the field of violence prevention. I find psychology facinating.

So why ever you are here I am glad you found us. :)


:welcome2: cattamia

Hey at least reading some of the other posts made me feel better about my stuff.

See, we helped you already! :dimples: Mari

Also, there is 'The Waiting Room' section of the forum for a little lighter reading.


Hi Cattamia and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome2:

I know for me that helping others with their issues on here usually helps myself in the process and makes me feel better. Sometimes I am not able to help others and it is then that I take a step back and look after myself but usually I am here daily trying to help others with whatever they are going through. It feels very rewarding to help others.


Greetings, greetings greetings to you too, Cattamia!

Feel free to share your "silly stuff." We're all here to help. (^^) A cruddy place this would be if people weren't allowed to ask for help or vent just because their issues aren't tragic enough, right? Welcome to PsychLinks Online!

You know, one of the best things about sharing our insights is that we learn and live better. :) And it just feels good helping other people...


Hi cattamia

Welcome to the forums!

You know, sometimes the best way to help yourself, is to help someone else!

Though there are those of us in here who do have problems, we dont' look at it like we are more or less then someone else. We are all people who come together to chat, and help, and to make someone else feel up when they are feelign down.

whatever your problems, they are just as important as someone else's. And we are glad that you are here reading and posting. Also we are looking forward to learning about you and helping you as you need help.

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