More threads by HWalsh


I guess I should start off with a stat block of myself.

I'm male.
I'm 28 years old.
I'm a college instructor. (but am teaching joint enrollment for a local high school)

I have a mild anxiety disorder as well as suffering from depression.
For the depression I am on a subscription of lorazepam, its a small dose but helps me when things get bad.

My councilor recommended "Inner Child Healing" for me due to my background but so far none of the items things she has had me do has worked at all.

I came here looking for some answers.

(In my area there are no real choices for psychiatrists to and I have had my fill of the councilors at the local place.)


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Welcome HWalsh! ;)
...the forum offers a great resource along with some great people - hope you find some answers.
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Okay, note to self:
If you are taking medication that you know makes you sleepy do not post on a message board. You will make a lot of misspellings.

So in an effort to clean that up (and because I would die of shame if somehow one of my students ever saw that horrible grammar) let me try to re-post that introduction.


I guess I should start off with a stat block of myself.

I'm male.
I'm 28 years old.
I'm a college instructor. (I am, however teaching joint enrollment for a local high school at the moment though.)

I have a mild anxiety disorder, and am also suffering from depression.
For the depression I am on a subscription of lorzapam, it is a small dose but helps me when things get bad.

My councilor recommended "Inner Child Healing" for me due to my background, but so far none of the items things she has had me do has worked at all.

I came here looking for some answers.

(In my area there are no real choices for psychiatrists and I have had my fill of the councilors at the local place.)


Okay, call me a perfectionist but that looks much better.

Thanks for the greetings by the way! :)


your name freaked me out for a minute my dads firat name starts with an H and Walsh is my maiden name...thought my dad had enrolled on here and I couldn't figure out why lol!!! Maybe he is spying on me ;P, good ol' paranoia talking there,


Hi HWalsh,
Welcome to the forum.

btw, don't worry about your spelling. I know that is one of my bad spots. Sometimes I use spell check and others, well the keyboad just gets out of hand when I type :)

I know you will find many in here that will understand what you are going through and will be able to listen to you.

Tons of great information posted in here for you to read as well.

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