More threads by Dano


My friends call me Dano. I happened to locate this sight the other day and figured, well what do I have to lose with signing up? So, here I am, my screwed up life and all, void of any coping mechanisms, trying to juggle the world on my shoulders. Well maybe now, the situation will change?

I find myself not knowing how to deal with physical pain, how to help myself through depression and most of all trying to help my two boys, who are both in their 20's. My youngest son is far more depressed than I can recall ever being. Recently, he stopped taking all medications, complaining that they made him extremely tired and lathargic. Currently, he is very withdrawn and he does not want to talk much. My oldest son has some major and unaddressed life threatening health concerns.

I don't know if you all support this, but I would really like to find a natural treatment for depression, for myself and my son.

Anyway, it sure would be great to hear from you all and get on the road to recovery. Thanks! Peace bro! Dano

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Welcome to Psychlinks, Dano.

There are really only two treatments for depression that work and they work best when combined:

1. antidepressant medication, most often one of the SSRIs; and

2. psychotherapy, with a heavy emphasis on cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and lifestyle changes.

If you or your son have had problems with side-effects of an antidepressant, the solution is not to give up on medication but to try another one. Generally, the type of side-effect you experience will give clues as to what other medications to avoid and what will likely be beneficial. Unfortunately, at the present time, the only way to find what works for you is patience and trial-and-error, but most people can find one that works without intolerable side-effects by the second or third attempt (assuming the first one is problematic).

The process of recovering from and managing the symptoms of depression will be slower though not impossible if you insist on not taking medication. The biggest problem with no medication is the lethargy and lack of motivation to persist in therapy but it can be done if the depression is not severe.

"Natural remedies" do not work for anything but the mildest of depressions, and even there if they are effective at all it is because they have their own serotonergic effects (and their own side effects).


Hello Dano and welcome to Psychlinks. Sorry to hear about your struggle with the illness of depression, however you are to be commended for reaching out to find resources that can help you and your son.

Depression is indeed a medical illness that is treatable, but as has been said, requires the desire to find the correct treatment plan combined with your patience to find the right combination of medication and support treatment for you. There is no "one size fits all" treatment for this illness, given the understanding and the technology of the day, but with perseverance and trial and error working with their doctor, most people find the treatment that works for their particular body and brain chemistry.

To further acquaint yourself with the illness of depression and the various treatment strategies available, have a look at the "Sticky" posts in the Psychlinks section on Depression HERE (Sticky posts are tagged "Sticky" because they are stuck to the first part of the section)

Specifically I would suggest you investigate the links to the PBS presentations hosted by Jane Pauley in the post: Depression: Out of The Shadows. If you take the time to view this entire program, you should gain a pretty good understanding of your treatment options.

In the meantime, feel free to join us here on Psychlinks, to continue your discussion on how we may help you toward your journey to recovery from your illness.

Do either or both of you have a doctor with whom you can arrange an appointment to investigate your treatment options again?
Welcome to the forum, Dano.

It would be difficult for any Doctor to give you accurate advice on the internet and as we don't know what is causing the depressions, etc you really do need to stick with a good doctor. I would not recommend just dropping anti-depressants and there are some good natural medicines you can take as long as they won't conflict with your prescribed medicine.

The best natural medicine though is being amongst nature if you can be it in forest, along a beach or such. As along as you are physically and emotionally connecting to nature while taking the steps to change whatever it is you need to change. Depressions is our Mind telling us that something is wrong that is not being dealt with. Dealing with our inner demons is a hard thing to do but it can be done. Drugs alone do nothing. Their role is to help balance the chemicals to help you take the steps to change what you need to change.

Remember to release your emotions. You can do it by writing if you can write in a diary. A good emotional release is to write your negative thoughts and feelings on a piece of paper then safely set it alight and watch it burn. As the smoke drifts up and away, see your negativity being released in the smoke. I know people who have used this technique to help them manage their angst and negative thoughts.


Steve and Naked,
Thank you for the wonderful words of wisdom! I really appreciate it! I realize that it could be difficult to help someone over the internet. However, I was previously through that route before with my HMO. And, honestly it is something that I don't care to go through again. It did not benefit me in the least and caused more problems than anything else.
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