More threads by Tripped_up06

Hello all,

My name is John, and, I am a First Nations Canadian diagnosed with a psychiatric condition (schizophrenia). I had a rough go with it being diagnosed in 1986. Following my admission into a local psych hospital and receiving a variety of treatments, my social life went totally 'south' as I was in high school attempting to get my Grade 12 courses done...I failed and dropped out from severe harassment from other students who had found out I was treated in the hospital across the street. I am considered socially unacceptable in many areas where I live. I went back to Adult Ed. in 2006 and completed my studies in 2010. My Diploma now hangs on my wall showing my success albeit medium grades (50%) which are not College or University material according to the intake staff. Over the years, countless people had taken every opportunity to ruin my credibility. The worst was done in 1996 when someone called the police stating I had missiles and everything else to flatten the city with. This resulted in an investigation. I handed over my bank account papers to prove to them that I was no threat. After spending 2 hours and 6 bankbooks later, I was deemed no threat in any way.

I do volunteer work with a local land based search unit. Started this in 2009 and sit as an active board member. No one knows of my psychiatric condition apart from my Search manager and secondary senior staff. With new regulations in place, I have constantly kept pace with required security checks and added training as needed on an on-going basis.

I apologize for having a long drawn intro. felt it was necessary to bring you up to speed on who I am and what I currently do.


Welcome to Psychlinks, Tripped_Up! Glad you found us and we'll look forward to your participation on the Forum!

Your introduction is very interesting...commendations on the way you have taken control of your life and devote yourself to helping others.

Your story shows that one should not be defined by a diagnosis, but rather by the person they are!

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