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Thank you for allowing me to join your forum. I have Histrionic syndrome or I am high strung. I want to un-high string me away any way I can and hopefully help others who have this emotional problem. My parents were alcoholics which I didn't understand so, I made myself guilty for there problems. I hate this emotion and want to fix it. I have noticed I have a some what pleasant nice attitude when around others, but that to is part of this emotion, it's a false emotions as well. Any help will be greatly appreciated. :confused: High strung 1


Thank you for having me. I am late in life for understanding my emotional problem. I have to overcome it. I now know when I do not get any attention from others I draw any feelings into me to get it. That person is not really me and what I am searching for. My life at this point is a lie. My new personality is nice but is not me. Please help me understand how I can find the true nice me. HS 1


I now see this emotion as either being real or a fake false person. How does one distinguish one personality to another and want to be honest and real with this emotion? HS 1

---------- Post Merged at 12:42 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 12:30 PM ----------

I wonder if I can get to understand my emotion high strung and work on it to change the bad side to good side, is that possible? HS 1


My wife she is a retired Mental health nurse. I am seventy one and beside myself with this diagnosis. After reading about it I am upset with myself. This emotion is either a false or possibly true emotional emotion, I want the good side if it has one. HS1

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
What was the basis for the diagnosis? In reality, your wife cannot diagnose you. Only a licensed physician or psychologist is permitted by law to do this.

That aside, what does she see in you or what do you see in yourself that leads you to believe that Histrionic Personality Disorder might be appropriate?

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After she told me this I looked it up in a webpage, sounded just like me.
I have been told I have a great personality and I like me this way and so do others. I once was a introvert, but now I have changed to a extravert and love it. But with this emotion I sense a dark side to it. I have a tendency to over react and this could be bad.
Have you talked to your doctor about what you and your wife think and see if you can get some professional help to gain some knowledge about what it is you are feeling

It would not hurt to get professional diagnosis because it could be that you and your wife are missing something and this way it would be clear to exactly what you have

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
After she told me this I looked it up in a webpage, sounded just like me.

But that is not accurate. The reason the legal authorization to diagnose is restricted is because the most important part is not simple diagnosis but differential diagnosis.

You say you like yourself this way and so do others. Why then are you worried about this?


MVP, Forum Supporter

Before you experience too much stress, worry, or negative feelings about this, it would be best to speak to a psychiatrist and/or experienced psychologist who can use their higher level professional skills and legal authority to diagnose you.


Account Closed
Hello highstrung, nice to meet you.
I have a nursing degree among others. I just wanted to mention a few things:
1. His wife is retired (likely long time). She currently does not represent the nursing profession and is not accountable to the College of nurses.
As part of the requirements one maintains yearly practice, skills and knowledge upgrades and requirements to remain registered.
2. Other than physicians and psychologists, according to the Health professionals act, there are more professionals legally authorized to diagnose. Occupational therapists and Extended class nurses are legally authorized to diagnose mental health disease. Others are authorized in areas such as Dentistry, physiotherapy, speech and language pathology and NP is authorizes in any of the areas they practice.
Soon there will be registered psychotherapists in ON.
For the record, all nurses have the right to formulate and communicate a nursing diagnosis, which is a different thing than medical diagnosis.
3. One can not practice regulated nursing towards their spouse in an unpaid position.
I question whether his wife was simply expressing an opinion, versus "legal" diagnosis
And the last thing that I wanted to say is, if someone here is implying that Nursing is not a profession, you need a reality check.
I am very proud that I went to nursing school. I have attended other professional schools and none of them were even close to the depth and breath of instruction in nursing school.
All nursing programs are University regulated and currently extremely competitive, you can check the stats
A lot of nurses have Masters or complete their program as a second entry program, which means after obtaining an Undergraduate degree in Chemistry, Biology or Life Sciences.
Pharmacy and Medicine are both Undergraduate programs. NPs complete a Master's program.

---------- Post Merged at 09:34 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 08:58 AM ----------

I just wanted to add, if High strung is looking to get diagnosed, maybe his best bet is psychiatrist or psychiatry specialized NP.

---------- Post Merged at 03:07 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 09:34 AM ----------

To further contribute to this discussion, in healthcare we do label one group of providers as having having higher or lower professional skills comparing to another. This is what professional bodies are established for, to ensure that all providers function according to the established standards for health professions.
We talk about different areas of skills and expertise.
Interprofessional collaboration is a component of professionalism, that is based on respect and recognition of the expertise of professional groups in healthcare.
For example, a clinical psychologist will have expertise in psychotherapy, which an ICU nurse may not have at all. At the same time, this same psychologist will have no idea how to recover open heart surgery patients, based only on medical directives. This doesn't mean that the psychologist or the nurse have different levels of professionalism.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
All of this is true.

I was talking specifically about diagnosing mental disorders or mental health conditions in my earlier comment. I certainly meant no disrespect to any other health professionals in any way.


Account Closed
I know you were not trying to disrespect other health professionals.
I hope that I was not overreacting, I was hoping to contribute with my comments, as the public is often misinformed when it comes to non -MD providers.
I am using my smart phone and I missed the "not" from the sentence about labelling health care providers.
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