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This is decidedly easy and less complicated than my instructions for 'fixing' the vacuum cleaner...


I don't know if this is a thing I should brag about, but I fixed our vacuum cleaner! Woohoo! I have documented my trials and tribulations for your convenience...

Step 1: Make sure you complain about how crappy the vacuum cleaner runs for about four to six months.

Step 2: Finally look under the power/brush-head of the vacuum cleaner and cut all the mangled, massive, tangled hair and string from it.

Step 3: Once again complain that it still doesn't work for at least another month.

Step 4: Turn the power to the vacuum cleaner on with the powerhead upside down and realize that it isn't turning.

Step 5: Unplug vacuum cleaner (yes everyone, I DID remember to do this!!)

Step 6: Start to dismantle vacuum power head so you can take out ALL the hair, string, and accumulated lint. Congratulate self on how clever you are that you found a screw that you remove easy-breezy because you were so smart to get the tool-kit when you decided to undertake this task: this should be a snap.

Step 7: Take apart the vacuum head after struggling with it for 10 blood-pressure testing minutes because you didn't see the bloody release levers which revealed that there were three more screws underneath another section you had to remove. Don't think you're so smart anymore.

Step 8: Clean out every possible disgusting piece of God-Knows-What out of every oriface of the vacuum cleaner and then do the same with your nose.

Step 9: Remove the brush and cut back several layers of matted hair until you see the brush again. Also cut out 8 years worth of string and hair that are preventing the brush from spinning: should take about 20 minutes of digging with scissors.

Step 10: Make a little pile of it and make sure your clothes are full of static so that every fuzzball, lint, and piece of hair magically sticks to your clothing. If you don't resemble something the cat coughed up, you aren't doing it right.

Step 11: Struggle for several minutes trying to put the little fan belt back on until you realize you have to put it on the motor **first**, then stick the fan belt up through the opening, THEN put it on the brush turner thingee...

Step 12: Screw all 4 screws back in.

Step 13: Unscrew all the screws you just tightened in because you didn't notice the tube joint thingee that holds the tube from the vacuum fell out and you have to take everything apart again and put it back together again.

Step 14: Voila!! Test the vacuum: it works!!

Step 15: Wait for allergies to kick in and then have a fun adventure trying to find your eyedrops with your eyes all gummed up. Don't mistake the breath freshener for eye drops (no I didn't do that, but it would have been funny if I did, once the burning stopped).
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