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Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies here! :)

What're everyone's plans for the weekend?

It's a bit wet here so I've made myself an egg sandwich for breakfast and might go out later in the day.


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Happy Australia Day, Gooblax :D

I am going to a Hottest 100 party. There will be bbq for lunch and dinner (lamb, of course!), board games, and I shall endeavour to wear my hat and drink responsibly.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Thoughts on reading this thread:

1. In Australia, you can't go wrong with an egg sandwich on a wet day.

2. In Australia, wearing a hat responsibly is considered as important or more important than drinking responsibly.

Conclusions: Australians are a strange breed... :D


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
And proud of it :D

I've already got my hat on, and I'm still inside! The sun is not very kind in Tasmania: we've got the ozone hole so the sun is more intense than most other places even if it's not as hot.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Happy Australia day. Enjoy your hat wearing, egg sandwich eating and lamb BBQ celebrations! :)
Thoughts on reading this thread:

1. In Australia, you can't go wrong with an egg sandwich on a wet day.

2. In Australia, wearing a hat responsibly is considered as important or more important than drinking responsibly.

Conclusions: Australians are a strange breed... :D
:lol: The two points don't sound strange to me at all ;)


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
I skipped the egg sandwich (though it wasn't wet here so maybe that's ok?? :)), but managed not to get sunburned (can't say the same for my husband - after demanding that I slip, slop, slap he did none of these and is looking a bit sunkissed). Did slightly overindulge in an amazing trifle, especially considering there was a BBQ for lunch and a turkey on a spit for dinner and I really didn't neeeeeed a second helping, but all things considered it was a good day. Even better that we get Monday off for the public holiday!

We also taught an American how to say 'Australia' like an Australian. :)


Account Closed
Happy Australia day to everyone down under! I had the pleasure to get a business trip to Sydney and Manly back 10 years favorite place to visit! Have been wanting to go back ever since - however, it is cost prohibitive and too long a flight (from the east coast of the US).

Maybe I should have an egg sandwich and throw something on the barbie and dream I am there too.


I hope all you Aussies had a great Arvo and bludged around a bit! Hopefully you didn't consume to much at the local billabong and turn into Martha in Bullamankanka from being off ya scone. I mean really, how much can a Koala bare? Howzat?! lol Good thing you didn't have to get up at a sparrows fart.

Well, I've got some hooning to do. Hoo roo!

lol Don't blame me...
~Aussie Lingo and Sayings Page~


MVP, Forum Supporter
I bask in the intra-Australian cultural diversity by admitting that in my whole life here I've never heard a couple of those.

...Nah, it's probably just not enough time spent bludging in country pubs. :D
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