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Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. I hope you manage to put your feet up and have a really good day.



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David? Um..... Why are you working on your birthday?

At least that is what your mood icon says. Go out and have some fun sometime today - Dr. Robyn's orders. :D

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Well, I hadn't actually changed the mood but it's true that I'm working... only it's not work work; it's fun stuff like websites... :eek:

Also, I'm waiting for my youngest (teenage) son to wake up. I may have to intervene rather than waiting for his biological clock to do the job... I think teenagers can sleep for weeks at a time if you let them... :panic:
Relaxing is good :) That's exactly how I prefer to celebrate my birthdays. Gone are the days of no sleep, too much booze and a crap load of people. least for me.
Regardless, happy bday.


Healthbound said:
Gone are the days of no sleep, too much booze and a crap load of people.

Gone, gone...what do you mean they are gone? :panic: While I understand that David is a little... "more vintage" (see my politeness on your birthday) than some of us other folk, it doesn't mean that he can't over indulge for his birthday, although I would be careful if you have had a few drinks taking out that hearing aid and your teeth :rofl:

Okay...sorry I just had to make at least one senior joke but is now 1:25 a.m. and is technically not your birthday so I am all clear :D
Happy Birthday!!! You're not getting older, just better. Snicker, snicker. :D


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