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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Have You Lost Yourself as a Mommy?
by Dr. Marks
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Have you lost yourself as a mommy?

Do you have trouble simultaneously identifying yourself as mommy and sexy wife?

The Today Show has a segment on Mom Hair as a symbol of losing your identity as a woman once you become a mom. Although the title is about moms and their hair, the discussion touched on deeper issues regarding what happens to us after we become mothers and how we feel about ourselves.

I thought this segment covers a very important issue of losing sexual (romantic) interest when you become absorbed in the day to day tasks of child rearing. For some women it can be a very difficult balance. I?ve seen women who aren?t clinically depressed, but still think there is something wrong with them because they just don?t get excited about their husbands or have the desire to look attractive.

Sure it?s not good to feel this way, but there is a reason for it. Think of it this way? Just as a phone call from your Dad is not an aphrodisiac (for most), thoughts of a crying baby at your breast or poop in your fingernails isn?t going to help either.

However some women may have a mild postpartum depression that can last for a while if left unaddressed. So if you?re really dragging around and feeling horrible about yourself, it?s probably worth it to get a professional opinion.
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