More threads by Cat Dancer

I can't seem to stop. Don't want to stop. I'm not sure which it is. But I'm struggling. I need to just go to bed and stop thinking about it. But I'm just hurting and having a hard time.


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Well you stopped long enough to reach out here so that is a great start.:2thumbs:

Do do any hobbies CD - knitting, jigsaw puzzles....? How about you make yourself some tea or hot chocolate and do something that you enjoy doing.

You deserve to be kind to yourself.

I am off to bed myself right now...but try to rest when you can.

I should get out a book. Writing here has helped. I really want to stop. I threw away all my cutting stuff, but found some more that I had forgotten about. Tomorrow it's going in the trash. I can't keep doing this. I'm tired of it.

Thanks for answering. :hug:


Hi Cat Dancer,

I'm so sorry you're struggling right now. Even through your pain though, I see alot of growth - just in how you're approaching it and wanting to work through it. I think that is so amazing.

I hope you can find a way to work through it tonight. A book is a great idea. Or painting can be helpful. I like finger painting when I'm in pain. It feels great just to get it all over my fingers, and slather it all over some paper or fabric. Another thing I like to do is get a bowl of jello or pudding, and just mush my hands in it. I don't know why, but it makes me feel good. It does require a bit of prep, unless you get the instant pudding or whatever it's called. Mashed potatoes work too...anything like that.

Take good care of you though. You deserve it.



I hope that you got through last night ok and that you managed to get a good nights sleep :zzz:

Look forward to hearing from you today :support:

:hug: :hug:


I am really glad that you got through the night and even happier to hear that you are feeling better :2thumbs:

You are doing great, CD...keep it up :goodjob:


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I'm proud of you CD. :jiggy:

And it is a good idea to throw the rest of those things away. Great job. :2thumbs:



Hope you are feeling better, you always given encouragement to everyone. I hate to see you feeling low, I hope you never do anything to harm yourself again, you deserve all the best there is.
Hi Cat Dancer ,
I've just seen this , I hope things are still better for you . wishing you a serene day .

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