More threads by Ashley-Kate

i think i am better not like instantly better but i really feel like i have had the whole mind change i needed to get out of this! i have started even eating normally i just was babysitting my niece the other day and while i was looking into her eyes and holding up against me i realized that she loves me! i was thinking of what defines me the other day and as always i would have said well i am anorexia plane and simple this is who i am but the truth is that is not true i am Ashley the hyperactive girl that loves sports, that loves running loves animals loves working and being with people and loves helping out that is who i am not because of anorexia but because i became that i am a good person! so here i am today feeling better feeling good i am planning on moving out of home finding my own little apartment living close to my brother and his daughter and wife and well enjoying life i am going to start taking art classes cause i discovered i love drawing and i am going to sign up in a gym! i really think i am better!
yours truly Ashley


Re: healthy

AK....I am really glad that you are feeling better and seem to have a brighter outlook on things. You are so right when you say you are so much more than your anorexia....I am happy that you realized that :)

Take care
:hug: :hug:


Account Closed
Thank you so much for letting us know Ashley. :heart::hug: You deserve to feel great. I love the new perspective - sounds like you are really coming home.

i don't know why the sudden change but a lot is going on my grandfather is in the hospital not doing so good. My stepmother just passed away, i spent the week with kids, my niece and well i just feel like just in these past couple of days i seen so much and grown through so much that i saw how life can just be taken away from you and then i look at children and look how happy and careless they are and i am 20 and well i should not be scared about the fact that my heart is weak due to purging or starving myself. i want to feel good about what i eat feel in control about eating healthy and that is what i am doing now watching what i eat still but in a good way making sure i have something in the morning even if it is just a juice then at lunch than again at supper. i do admit i am not perfect right now i have set backs but i know i am going to make it! i deserve to make it
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Dear Ashley-Kate, I am sorry to hear about your step mom but happy to hear that you are receiving a gift of getting better. Thank-you for your positive posts. On Friday I was feeling so down that even with no food in the house I could not inspire myself to go to the grocery store. I curled up on the couch for most of the day. Finally I got up to check my email and read your post. It inspired me to get dressed and go out and get some groceries. :heart: Mari
just hearing that makes me feel so good i realy hope that everyone frees theselfs of the grasp that an eating disorder can have on people we deserve to live to our full potential and that is not by starving ourselfves and slowly fading away
yours truly ashley
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