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Im Mike from Washington state, searched self help on the net and found this site, thought it might provide some insite for my trust issues, I don't know how to change the way I feel, wife of 13 years loves me but cant take the non trust anymore, she recently found an old friend and says there just friends and I have nothing to worry about, well I cant eat, nervous, stomach hurts, I never have thought it was ok for her to be texting and calling another man, I just dont know how to hanlde it and stay in my relationship and let her do what she wants to do and be independant :(


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Welcome to Psychlinks. :)

I don't have any advise to give you except that you may want to read some of the articles in the Relationship section of the forum.

Some others may be able to help you a bit more.

Glad your here. :)


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Welcome to Psychlinks Paintexpt. :)

As for your question, sometimes you just have to trust the people you love. Has your wife ever given you any reason not to trust her?


Hi and I'M sorry to hear of about your problem.
You will find lots of good information here so make a cupa and settle down for some reading :2thumbs:

Dont forget you can post in the forums for some feed back on your problem :)
All the best
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