More threads by Clinton Girkin


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Welcome to Psychlinks Clinton. :) :welcome:

I hope that you can find the support you need here. Feel free to scope out some of the forums and post questions in the topics for which you have questions or need support. :)


Account Closed
If you want Clinton, you can post right here too. :) Anywhere is good. :)

What is the issue that has you seeking support? (only if you're comfortable answering this). :)
I have tourrettes and feel like people are treating me badly because of it. Is there a thread where I can learn how to deal with lonliness?


Account Closed
Actually, how about if I post a few links to Tourettes syndrome information for you right here? :)

We have a few members here who also have Tourette Syndrome, so maybe they can also help answer your questions.:) And I'm sorry that you have to go through other people's ignorance Clinton.

Please feel free to get as much or as little support as you want here...

Here are some resources found here at psychlinks: resources on Tourette syndrome

But feel free to ask more specific questions.
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Hi Clinton!

:welcome2: to Psychlinks! Glad you found us and we'll be pleased to discuss your questions.

I have Tourette, and have lived with it from age 5 into my retirement years.

As has been suggested, have a look at the Psychlinks section on Tourette as well as other areas you might find of interest.

Feel free to ask questions, and we'll be around to try to answer as best we can.

I understand why you might feel lonely and isolated having Tourette, but there are strategies we can talk about that might help you deal with these situations.

You've come to the right place, Clinton. There are lots of Psychlinks members with experience in many different situations that will be eager to share thier insights with you.

Hope you find Psychlinks informative and helpful.


Happy meet up !! :D

---------- Post added at 09:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 AM ----------

Welcome Clinton !! Was gonna tell you to put on your reading glasses, but I am assuming you have good strong eyes yet!!:D


Hi, and welcome to the forum :2thumbs: !!

I hope you find the help and support you are looking for, and have a great time while doing so :)
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