More threads by choco chip

Hello everyone....

I am here as the field of psychology seems very fascinating to me!! My educational background is in psychology and i was also working as a counselor for around 2 years.. :)
Looking forward to gaining more information, listening to people and all that they are to share being here... and sharing my experiences and knowledge hoping that people would find them helpful :)

Feeling great!!! :rofl:

thanks !!!
Welcome :) I love Psych too. Thats what my background and degree is in. I was in a car accident my last year of grad school and suffered a TBI , at first I forgot what I had learned but now I remember much of it but have damage that prevents me from being sharp enough with recall for applied use. The daughter of a Narcissist I was the high achieving daughter and placed my self worth in that belief so when I lost the only thing that ever made me visible to her...(she loved the praise for my achievments as her own) that was a quick trip dwn a steep hill..LOL. Listen, learn, teach your peers...good luck and Thanks for caring!!
It's sort of a quiet passion of mine. A lot of people in my family are "self-taught" and although I haven't gone to school for it, I know a bit about psychology. I took a class in high school, read my mom's medical and psychology books when I was a kid, took a course or two in university, and read piles of books... Mostly Carl Jung (the 'taboo' psychologist that no one wants to talk about lol), and Viktor Frankl, and text books, and downloading stuff off the internet like Schema Therapy and Personality Disorders... Plus of course all the stuff I learned while researching myself and my Narcissistic mother... I'm not as learned as some, and I don't try to pass myself off as an actual psychologist, I am just fascinated by the whole thing.
@ jollygreenjellybean : That's really great friend !!

This is a great approach towards life.... keep it up and keep smiling :thumbup1:

Thanks :2thumbs:
Hi again Jelly, LOL its gonna look like im stalking you but I promise im not..we seem to end up in the same places! Carl Jung was one of my favs..I actually started school Pre med and the chemistry was too hard but I had taken Psych as an elective class out of interest and found it facinating..I read those textbooks like people read novels and I knew all the characters in the books just from my life with Mother..ha ha..much easier than chemistry so I changed my major..wanted to be a Vet because thats my other love-animals! I have always found peace and love in animals..they are so real. I miss my doggies :-( Wonder if other children of NMs find bonds with animals so soothing?
Yes! I completely agree! Animals are extremely real!! no inhibitions, no pretensions.... no suppressed feelings and no unnecessary rationalizing!! wow! :wow::teehee:

feels so soothing even in imagination.....
Well, I used to be a bit of a cat/dog charmer. When my parents would go to visit their friends on a farm, they'd have lots of cats strolling around. Several of them would end up on my body and lap purring and or asleep (sometimes they would lull me to sleep, too)... Only reason I prefer dogs lately is because I have worse allergic reactions to cats. I used to own one. Loved him, good ol' Sarge. Gave him away to a farm because he refused to be an indoor cat and the neighbour's dogs kept trying to eat him (he brought it on himself, mostly) and he also made himself a nuisance by pooping in their garden (I am sure there were 100s of cats doing that, but they would always capture mine, box him up, and deposit him on my back porch for me)... I tried my darnedest to keep him in the house, but when I would go get groceries or something, if I couldn't close the door fast enough, he was out like a shot. Pigeons didn't stand a chance!
I love all those cute icons! I am more of a dog person for the same reasons. Allergies . That's too bad Jelly about sarge..sounds like maybe not the nicest neighbors either but sounds like a farm would have been his dream life! Choco- exactly, when around people I get so tense as even if I try not to I am always watching body language and hidden clues and overly in tune to the vibes but animals relax me, my dogs are just honest and real and just that is relaxing. no hidden agendas or abrupt personality changes. thats so cool that you are able to think of them and be soothed, and also to JOlly- the animals can sense the goodness in you if they would sleep with you that shows they instinctively trusted you. Thats awesome , and thanks so much for the responses.
Most dogs (and maybe other pets, possibly cats) are very in tune with OUR body language. It's like dogs evolved to understand humans (yesterday on The Nature of Things, with David Suzuki, they mentioned that our close relative the chimp has a harder time understanding or anticipating cues from people than dogs do, but that's because dogs have evolved along with humans for such a long time that they almost instinctively pick up on things)... It's called Mysteries of the Animal Mind... CBC -The Nature of Things with David Suzuki - Episode - Mysteries of the Animal Mind
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