More threads by kikasnanny

I am a 54 year woman with a disorder, I am very shy but find this page very interesting to read,maybe some day I will explain what is going on with me,,for now I will read,,thanks

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Free snacks here!!

Welcome to Psychlinks, Kikasnanny! :)

I'm going to split this thread to create your very own introduction thread. :)


Welcome to Psychlinks, Kikasnanny! Hope you find information that can help.

You may be interested in reading this Psychlinks post having to do with shyness and why it may not be as serious as you might think.

Be sure to let us know how we might help. In the meeantime feel free to join in any discussion on the Forum or start some of your own.


Hope you don't mind me asking but where is Kikasnanny? I'm in Scottie and methinks I have a virus (of the physical variety) - violins anyone?

With regards my cake post of previous all got downed (by me!)...the medics were least when there was no sausage rolls @ the meeting either. Poor S his day got worse when R laid into him. At least he didn't pick on me (one of the main objectives of self for that meeting)...

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