More threads by Labradorgal

Hi All I am new to this forum and very interested in all of the informative articles and information. I am a single mother of 2 boys, aged 10 and 13. The 13 year old has a multitude of diagnoses, Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, OCD,ODD,Anxiety Sensory issues and executive dysfunction. I feel helpess as I watch my son's condition deteriorate and I feel like I am always fighting for help. Currently my son does not attend school because his anxiety is too high, he refuses to attend appointments, does not shower or brush his teeth. I am stressed beyond belief, part of me internalizes all of this and I feel that I am a bad parent. I am a teacher, trained in special ed and I still feel useless....

I am trying to get services or some sort of help for my son. I feel alone and and tired of people blaming me....


Welcome to Psychlinks Labradorgal and thanks for joining us. There is a broad spectrum of information and resource material available here, so have a look around. Let us know how we can help and feel free to join in any ongoing discussion or start some of your own.

Any response from the Nfld/Labrador Chapter of TSFC?
I have contacted TSFC in Newfoundland but have not heard back. I have also been in contact with the CPRI intake worker in London,Ontario, they are sending me some information to help educate myself and others who work with my son.
Hi continue to reach out okay It must be so hard for you to do this alone I do hope you can find a group in your area that can give you support. The people that are blaming you have no right okay they are not in your shoes and do not understand the stress you are under. Professionals in your area can help you find support groups for you even if your son won't attend you can okay. You need help as well through all of this hugs to you
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