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Want to give an introduction of mine, but as an HSP, I feel awkword to do so. I find it difficult to describe myself as a human in this increasingly inhumane society. I find it hard to describe about me with something positive so I am starting with negative. I had two love affairs, one ended in divorce and bitter fight for survival after that, another affaire some time back, revived me to a great extent.

But it was only to be left me anihilated after engagement, perhaps my sensitivity was too much for her to bear. In past, I tried finding help from medical community but I hit upon only insensitive and greedy kind of doctors. I came to know that I am an HSP when I read the original book, doctors never told me about this.

Each of my love affaires, left me in state of dissociation, excruciating body pain which was never existed in reality, dissociative amnesia or blank spells and forgetfullness, doctors tried to treat those pains with heavy dose of pain killers and for blank spells first they did multiple EEGs only to find me perfectly normal! But what was worse that they prescribed antidepressants and antiepilapsy drugs to me!

Professionally I was considered a gifted kid and even now people find me telented, but problem comes when my lonelyness spills over from my personal life to professional life. I was an outclass, a mocking/punching dummy for all my life, I can not bear anything coming out of a loudspeaker or even the highcapacity decks,

I have highly sensitive ears, I can listen to minute noises and those sounds are too much for me to bear, therefore I am unable to join any parties. I am uncomfortable with boys they think/talk about girls all the time, apart from being violent, arrogent and indulgent. I am uncomfortable with girls too, apart from gossiping for long times, to me they like gaudy/flashy things, many of them are inhumane/immoral and what's worse some are indulgent too.

Yet I only had desired/dreamed about being loved and being socially acceptable.

By joining this forum I wish to hear advices from humane doctors and other HSPs, who might have come to life after failed affaires.

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Dear Dr. Baxter;

Thanks for your reply. But I had already read that forum thread before I started my own. As an HSP I know all I need is another HSP, but I think even among HSPs I am on the extreme end. I think HSP phenotype is not an all or none kind, instead I believe even among HSPs there are different grades. Even in the original book author has described highly sensitive and moderately sensitive persons in every society, but I believe clubbing even the top 20% in a single bracket is a gross injustice.
Furthermore, It makes life easy to know that excruciating body pains that I experience from time to time are not real, it makes me less worried, but at the same time it doesn't help me in bearing it. Earlier medical tests by orthopedics and rheumatologists cleared that I do not have any serious problems, they prescribed me pain killers as I said in my original post. But when you don't have a real reason for your pain, no matter how powerful/costly the medicine is, it can not help you! Similarly my dissociative amnesia hinders my day to day functioning, knowing that I have it doesn't help me in any case. I try to stay grounded in reality but this society is not ready to accept me and thus in my own loneliness I don't have anybody to pull me back into reality. Plus my mind has learned to switch into amnesia state so the attacks are increasingly frequent.

Being highly sensitive i can understand how and why you see the world somtimes as so harsh an environment. With therapy a good therapsit you will learn to see and hear not so critically I do hope you reach out and get some help from a good psychologist hun or one that will help you see in a different light. It is a long process but with support you will not feel so alone so isolated
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